on releasing dead weight

Friday, February 1, 2008


still counting, but still just for today.

yesterday went well; i didn't even want to eat between meals, which is good. i was a bit anxious about anticipating when i WOULD want to eat more, which is silly...jesus, i really need to work on not worrying about the next shoe dropping. everything changes, that's true, but i can't be concerned about when and how. i don't have control anyway but BOY do i want to think i do.

yesterday: a yogurt and a fried egg for breakfast, tuna on whole wheat for lunch, a salad and popcorn for dinner. going shopping today so i hope to improve a bit on dinners. very happy with breakfast and lunch; those foods really seem to be satisfying.

i weighed myself today, which i wasn't planning on doing, and it was 176. in my mind, i told myself i had my period and might still be bloated, but whatever. it really doesn't matter. this is only day three for heaven's sake. it may be a 2lb gain, it may not. who cares. i am sane with food and feel good. for now.


meg said...

So yesterday for me was good. I ate 3 meals. I had an egg and steel cut oatmeal, then a salad with tuna and chicken and veggies on soba noodles.

PLUS, big one here...no coffee. Just tea and green tea with ginger (you are right charmy, it is good).

AND no sugar. Or saki.

Anonymous said...

Wait, you must tell me about the green tea with ginger.

Yesterday I wasn't so good. My sweet tooth got the best of me and I had a chocolate bar.

Today has started out with steel cut oatmeal and we will see where I go from here.