on releasing dead weight

Thursday, January 31, 2008


this was not supposed to be a place to muse about the this or the that concerning my overeating. this was supposed to be about being accountable on the day-to-day about what i was doing about taking care of myself mentally, emotionally, and physically. well, it's time.

only for today, i plan to eat three meals and one snack, with only water or tea in-between. i have already decided what to eat.

it will either be time to eat, or not time to eat. PERIOD.

speaking of periods, it came. yesterday. december 26th to january 30. not half-bad.

i will, for today, not let the timeliness of my cycle drag me into the relentless loop of infertility hell. i will instead focus on how i can make myself a better candidate for pregnancy. i will instead focus on my alive children and seeing them as the people they are...here and now.


Nadine said...

Great attitude, i hate getting dragged into the living in 2 week bits.

Anonymous said...

What did you eat today?

My day started with steel cut oatmeal because it is supposed to be good for you.

meg said...

I like that steel cut oatmeal too.

And I'm glad you don't feel like you are in IF hell. THAT and grieving is not a good thing. Been there, done that.